4 ページから引用.

For some people the term "enterprise application" implies a large system. However, it's important to remember that not all enterprise applications are large, even though they can provide a lot of value to the enterprise. Many people assume that, since small systems aren't large, they aren't worth bothering with, and to some degree there's merit here. If a small system fails, it usually makes less noise than a big system. Still, I think such thinking tends to shortchange the cumulative effect of many small projects. Indeed, one of the best things you can do is turn a large project into a small one by simplifying its architecture and process.

大きくて単純なシステムをどう作るか? → 小さくて単純なシステムに分割する.
小さくて単純なシステムをどう作るか? → PofEAA (これは上の引用からではない)
PofEAAに出てくるパターンって,"Enterprise" という言葉の響きとは裏腹に,随分小さいっていうか細かいっていう感じなんですけど.